Sunday, March 8, 2009

the time is now!

I have been meaning to compose a post entailing the hundreds of items that have kept me away from blogging these past few months (not reading, just writing). I guess I thought if I had this voluminous list in print, it would somehow make up for the absence. As if those of you who post regularly have nothing else to do???

I am a great excuse maker...just ask me why I have been to the gym more than 2x since thanksgiving...i could go on. And maybe that is the connection to why I feel like I have been operating in a foggy haze since thanksgiving too...Maybe if I hauled myself back to the treadmill, I would not feel so useless. I have been without the energy to tackle any major project for a while now...but I talk a good game.

Well it is 82 degrees outside and gorgegous! The time is now to set my priorites and tackle them!

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