Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I would like you to not be in my way, please

Manners...we work at this regularly. We have great periods of several months when the pleases and thank yous flow freely....then there are the times where it is like pulling teeth!

This morning while Meredith was trying to get around Kevin on the steps and was prompted for "good manners" she says "I would like you to not be in my way, please!" Where have we gone wrong??? Three and a half is such a unique animal.


Amanda :-) said...

Ooh, ooh, Marla, I posted a link to this lady on my blog ages ago. She posts paper toys that you can make, all for free (but ppl can donate ££ if they want).

She has a template on there for a fab little Fairy Book of Fairly Good Manners. It'd be fun to do with Meredith, I think?

She sounds sweet, bless her.

Click on the Free Toys link in the middle of the top bar, then it's the Top Right project. Hope you enjoy the link. I use it all the time!

Marla said...

Thank you, thank you looks so sweet...just the things to grab her attention!

John Martin said...

Adorable! (And her comment, too!) :-)

Matt said...

marla, I just stumbled across your blog from amanda's. You seem so fun, it's hard to get started with blogging and you don't have to do it everyday. Have you tried doing any of the spt's (self-portrait tuesdays)
every week she gives us a challange to take a picture of something and blog it. Even just once a week feels good. Let me know if you ever read this! I have little one's too!

Natasha said...

Now that is just too cute!

We play a board game called "Mind Your Manners" although I don't know how much it really helps my children's manners!