Friday, October 10, 2008

spt--100 things about me

I have a major post that needs to be finished, but when I saw Lelly's SPT for Oct...I had to unearth my 100 list...that is also about 3/4 written, and never published....but soon!

7. banana laffy taffy has been a favorite since middle school

Which is so funny...because I just started hording halloween candy, got two bags of assorted laffy taffy, and promptly sat down and ate all the bananas...which unfortunately there were only about 5 of! The nerve...who really wants strawberry anyway! Well, I have a pretty strong sweet tooth, and most of the time I would pick chewy candy over chocolate...I love jelly belly jelly beans (but not all flavors...whose idea was buttered popcorn???). And tart and chewy it my real weekness. So, unless it is halloween or Easter, I don't keep it in the house!....Now, let me find a picture!

1 comment:

Hopsy said...

I too LOVE the banana! I am allergic to real bananas, but this candy is too good to be passed up.